Mount and blade trade
Mount and blade trade

  • Buy a workshop in a city where the finished products sell for a high price, but the raw materials are scarce.
  • Make money on both ends with raw materials and finished goods.
  • Guaranteed market for your raw materials.
  • mount and blade trade

    You can make money on both ends by supplying the raw materials and upgrading those materials into finished products using your workshops. Prices in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord are local. The idea is to create artificial scarcity so that you can feed raw materials with your caravans. Workshop Monopoly creates a problem so that you can solve it. There's no free parking in this Monopoly.

  • Buy some low-cost trade goods along the way to trade and supplement your profits.
  • High-priced cities will constantly change as you trade and flood the markets.

    mount and blade trade

  • Sell horses in higher-priced cities, taking care not to flood the market too much with any single category.
  • Remember, having more live animals than soldiers will slow you down, so don’t take too many horses on one trip.
  • Buy multiple categories of horses if possible.
  • Buy horses in low-cost cities such as Akkalat, Odokh, Charas, Hubyar, and Danustica.
  • Horses sell for a high price, making high per-trip profits.
  • A load of Aserai horses can make huge profits and experience.
  • Horse prices are predictable, with some cities always having low prices.
  • Aserai horses are particularly costly, so they are an excellent value for the burden, but all horses sell quickly. By concentrating your trade networks on horses, you can still make some money buying and selling other trade goods while managing your weight and making significant profits. Horse trading is the bread and butter of global trading.

    Mount and blade trade