Star wars tartan cruiser
Star wars tartan cruiser

star wars tartan cruiser

As a consequence of this the Carrack I is a commonly used ship throughout the galaxy especially due to its advanced sensor suite making it easier to detect smugglers trying to enter the system undetected. Although an Imperial design, organizations such as the Rebel Alliance have been known to possess Carrack cruisers along with Imperial allies and business partners. The standard crew for this vessel is approximately 50, eight of whom are bridge crew (two pilots, a Stats Officer, two Gunnery Officers, a Commander, a Shield Officer and a Scanner Officer). Requiring only one pilot to function it has become a standard for small capital ships to follow after. Designed to replace the old Tartan patrol cruisers, the Carrack I is equipped to disable, capture and board ships rather than destroy them.

star wars tartan cruiser

The standard Imperial border patrol for key systems, the Carrack/I-class Light Cruiser cruiser is more suited to anti fighter/freighter defense.

Star wars tartan cruiser