Follow the initial cheat steps and then type in whichever of the following words you fancy: These cheats are probably the most important if you want your Sims to have all the material things they desire. Cheat Need > Make Happy: With this you can make your Sim happy and feel fulfilled.Cheat Need > Enable/Disable Need Decay: This can stop a Sim from having a Need change.Modify in CAS: This lets you modify a Sim but will not change their name or traits.Reset Object: Reset the status of a Sim or object.Add to Family: Add in a Sim not currently in your family with this phrase.Make head: You can use this phrase to place an object on top of your Sim.Make Dirty/Clean: Once you've typed this you can then click on an object to make it dirty or clean again.Teleport Sim: Shift+Click on the ground to teleport a Sim to your chosen area.Now you never need to worry about spending above and beyond your Sims’ needs ever again. It’s worth noting that cheats like motherlode, rosebud, and kaching can be used over and over, so don’t be afraid to use them whenever your Sims could do with a little cash injection. If you want to make your Sims panic about bills, this cheat is what you want. Can be turned on or off by changing what is entered in the brackets. Doing so will make all homes free and available for your family of Sims to move into. This cheat needs to be entered at the Neighborhood screen.

This will subtract the specified amount of money from your Sims’ balance. This will add the specified amount of money to your balance. This will make your Sim household’s balance whatever amount of money you enter in the brackets.