So unless you know of an existing animation set from another Fallout 4 mod that we might be able to use for a given weapon, please don’t bother complaining. Along with realistic weapons, comes realistic damage. This is mod allows players to add modular body armor to Dogmeat, which features a new design, mesh, and texture. Additionally, there are very few animators in the community right now. All this gives you a chance against anything from a deathclaw to a super mutant without having to wear a bulky Power Armor. The first Fallout 4 mod on our list is K9 Harness. I'm looking for amor mods that's something off of like Battlefield 3 and 4 or COD MW, or rainbow six siege. I know its ported without permission, assets blah blah blah but it was a damm good mod.

We know that we can paint our Power Armor in Fallout 4 in a few colors and add a few… Read More » Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America).

Tactical Military Equipment (Galac-Tac Redux ), 3 new helmets Lite Medium and Heavy All helmets have been reshapped for that sexy Mando look, Added a lite arm version webbing and bracers options for all arms, Knee pads and elbows pads are now selectable, retooled teh green and black armor textures for better consitancy, I purchased the vest and textures from. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. Have you ever thought that the way Fallout 4 handles ballistics is too… basic? Fallout has been one of the most-modded franchises in modern gaming. Bethesda's Fallout 4 Enjoys massive financial success Thankfully, West Tek Tactical Optics is there to shower you with some optical goodies.